Does Milk Thistle Cleanse the Liver Properly?

If you are wondering does milk thistle cleanse the liver, you are not alone.  Researchers have been looking at that question for decades.  Traditional healers have been handing out the seeds of the plant for thousands of years, to treat hepatitis and similar diseases.

There is reason to believe that the herbal remedy may be beneficial for the health of the gall bladder.  It could be beneficial for type II diabetes and unhealthy cholesterol levels.  It may mediate the premature aging caused by overexposure to UV rays of sunlight.  In other words, it might keep your organs healthy and protect your appearance, as you age.

Although it might sound unbelievable, it is actually not unusual.  Plants were our first medicines and judging from the latest research, they are still our safest ones.

Most medications damage the organs of the body, particularly our livers and kidneys.  Plant-based treatments are typically non-toxic.

The latest research has focused on the benefits for people being treated for cancer.  Chemotherapy and radiation treatments damage the organs and cells of the body.  Researchers have suggested that following these treatments, cleansing and detoxification is beneficial.

So, oncologists are among the people wondering does milk thistle cleanse the liver.  Many of them believe that it does.  How exactly it accomplishes that feat is as yet, unclear.  Although we know a great deal about the human body, there is still a great deal to learn.

Cleansing fell out of favor for decades, but it has experienced a renewal; an increase in popularity, particularly among alternative practitioners.  The mainstream community insists that cleansing is not necessary for the average individual, but today’s average individual is exposed to a great many toxins, on a regular basis.  So, honestly, anyone could benefit.

Many people wonder does milk thistle cleanse the liver of alcohol.  It has been used to speed recovery from alcohol and opium addictions.

There are some regular drinkers who believe the supplement keeps their livers healthy, but the best suggestion is to avoid excessive alcohol consumption.  Research indicates that one or two drinks per day may be good for your long-term health.  But, many teetotalers are perfectly healthy.  So, if you don’t drink, don’t start.

Most cleansing compounds are chelating agents.  They work to break down heavy metals in the body’s organs, allowing them to be excreted from the body.  Does milk thistle cleanse the liver by chelating?

The medicinally active compound in the plant is called silymarin.  It is not recognized as a chelating agent.  It is more like an anti-toxin.  One of its best known uses is for the treatment of poisoning from mushrooms like the death-cap.

Keeping the organs clean and healthy could extend a person’s lifespan and help them look better as they age.  Plant extracts with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity are promoted for those purposes.

Now, you can stop wondering does milk thistle cleanse the liver.  But, before you buy a supplement, you might want to learn more about choosing a good one.

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