False Love

I live with my mother. When I was a little girl, I knew that I was different from the other children. In our house, there were mother and me. But in other children's houses, they have their fathers. Mother was a proud woman. She told me that my father went to a city far away. He would come back one day at last, my repeated it to me again and again. At first, I had great hope for my father's coming back. However, year after year, father didn't appear. I started to suspect that mother was lying to me. Perhaps I didn't have a father. I was brought back home by my mother from a mountain in our city, which my grandmother told me. I once listened to grandma and asked my mother why father hadn't gone back. Mother patted my head softly and spoke to me steadily, "you are too little now. After you grow up, your dad is sure to come back." I repeated mother's answer to my grandma. She was very angry and shouted at mother, "You are cheating your child. That bad man will not come back. He has left you and gone abroad. Don't be silly. You must think everything for your child. Find her a new father and you two can live a better life." Mother didn't answer grandma. She just went to the kitchen and prepared our meal. It seemed that grandma was talking to the air. Though I couldn't get what grandma was saying, I remembered her words. Some years later when I grew matrue enough to understand her words, I came to know that I was abandoned by that man I called father. Every night, mother opened a box and took out a watch. She put the watch in my hand and told me joyfully that the watch was a Rolex watch and it was given by my father. "It's mum's birthday gift. Your dad loves mum." The watch was bright and beautiful. I once took it as my toy. But my interest to it disappeared gradually. I gave it back to mother. At my thirteen, grandma was seriouly ill. She was sent to the hospital and the doctores said that she needed an operation right now. Grandma's operation needed much money. We didn't have bank savings and mother's salary was just enough to feed our family. Mother decided to sell the Rolex watch. I went to sell the watch with her. In the pawnbroking shop, she took out the watch, hoping the fat man before us would speak a good price. "This a replica rolex watch ." The man looked at the watch and said it. "A replica rolex watch ? You must be joking." Mother spoke with anger. The man's words seemed to insult her. "Ms, it is really a replica rolex watch . If you don't believe me, you can go to the other shops. And I am sure the price I say to you is the highest one." Mother said nothing and left the shop with the money that man paid. I was so sad for her. In the taxi, she stared outside the car and I saw tears slipping off her face. She was deepyly hurt by the replica rolex watch. It is not a real watch. Her love was like the watch which was a false as well.