3 Reasons Why Your Ex Does not Want You Back

They said they would do it a million times but they never did follow thru. In spite of some of the arguments and unfortunate things both of you said, your significant other always came around.

It almost gave you a feeling of invincibility; that no matter what happened the two of you were always going to be there for each other. The bond was that strong. And the kiss and make up part wasn't so bad either.

Not this time. Your significant other followed through and they are now officially your ex. It has been a rough deal for them because the feelings they have for you are still there. You know this which is why you have been doing everything in your power to get them to come back to you.

But it won't work. They are done with you and are hoping that you can somehow come to grips with that reality. You know how they feel about you but you cannot understand why this time around they really do not want you back.

1. They Found Them

This time around there is someone new in their life that does not necessarily make them feel better than you did but different. Your ex wants to explore a side of themselves which you were not able to nurture.  You may tell yourself that you can do it if they just give you the chance but each individual is different. You can offer certain things in a relationship as you see them; the new person has a completely different perspective when it comes to your ex. No one can see everything.

2. The Roller Coaster

Yes when it was good between the two of you; it was fantastic. The love, laughter, sex and fun could not be matched. But when it was bad it could be downright horrible. Sure you always kissed and made up but riding a never ending roller coaster of emotions can wear anyone out. It's not that your ex will never argue with the new person in their life; it's just the peaks and valleys may not so frequent and disparate.

3. The Restless Wind

They may still love you and care for you but they have come to the conclusion this relationship has gone about as far as it can go. They are hungry for something and someone new. You may be able to provide them with the something but not the someone. For many couples change in a relationship means a complete break. Anything less will not work.

The things you two shared will always stay with you in one form or another but to cherish what the two of you had may require a clean break. If they want to end the relationship than it's probably best that you respect their wishes. Fighting to hold on to someone who deep down in their heart really does not want to be there is a hollow victory.