My Ex Boyfriend Hates Me But I Still Love Him - How Can i Get Him Back?

So, your boyfriend hates you, or perhaps he said he doesn't love you anymore and you feel like you've just lost the most important thing in your life. Don't worry too much, most of the time this is not a statement of true feelings, and more of a reflection of a moment of anger or situational response.

Be sure to download the free 43-page Rekindle the Love eBook. It's loaded with short tips on how to get your ex back.

Love is an interesting thing. Couples tend to use it almost as a way of saying goodbye or hello. We hear the 'I love you!' from out mate and that makes us happy, but what is it? Are we being honest?

We all think we know what it is when we meet that special someone that makes us feel good inside, but then we question if it was ever true when we break up. Did we ever really know what love was? And did we actually have it?

The truth is, love is the way you feel around a certain person; it's how that person makes you feel. If your boyfriend says he doesn't love you anymore, then something has changed with the way his feels about himself while being around you. And that is probably what he associates with love. His feelings for you are likely still there.

Winning the "love" back is as simple as making your boyfriend feel like he used to around you. Think about it for a while. Try to determine how he felt around you. What did he say during those one-on-one moments about how you made him feel? Those are the feelings you need to get back.

See what I did to Win My Ex Back