How To Get My Ex Back-7 Easy Ways

These "how to get my ex back-7 easy ways" can help you get back together and have a loving relationship again. But there is no guarantee any of these will work 100% of the time. You know your ex better than anyone else, so you know which tips might be more in line with his or her personality.

1. Send a bouquet. Whether it's flowers or a balloon bouquet, if you time this right this can help you make a real, romantic impression with your ex.

2. Send one of the cards that opens to a song or a line from a TV show or movie that really suits your ex. Whether it's for a birthday or a holiday, choose a funny, sweet or romantic card to make the day special.

3. Ask your ex on a date, but make it clear there is no pressure. You just want to spend some time together as friends. Choose a very low-pressure and fun place like the zoo, an arcade or one of those pizza parlors with the arcade games and singing characters that are aimed at kids.

4. Ask your ex to join you on a spa date. This works very well when your ex is a girl. Make appointments for you both to have your hair cut, your nails done and to get a massage or facial. Doing it together is a fun way to have time to talk and just relax.

5. Ask your ex out on a theme date. Eat spaghetti and watch The Lady and the Tramp. Eat hamburgers, fries and shakes and watch American graffiti. The point is to plan something fun and lighthearted.

6. Go to an amusement park together. Ride the scariest rides and have your pictures taken with your faces sticking in the holes of those wooden cutouts that make you look goofy. Have fun without pressure on your ex about getting back together.

7. Re-create your first date. This is a good choice when things are going well and you feel like getting back together is within your reach.

One of these "how to get my ex back-7 easy ways" tips is sure to at least give you both a really good time together and maybe lead to the happy relationship you want and deserve.

If you're good for each other, things will work out. By acting confident and grown up, you heighten your chances of getting your ex to come back to you. If you get along pretty well with each other, feel connected and really want to stay together, fix it. It is worth it.

It is hard to find that special person. When you do find them you need to hang on tight through the good and the not so good. It may seem hard now but you need to come together and not break up. Why break up when you can make up? Remember too, making up can be a lot of fun!