Can a Spell to Bring Back an Ex or a Lost Love?

Yes, I do believe that magic can and will bring back an ex, but not that Hocus-Pocus-Harry-Potter sort of magic. But let's assume for one moment that there really was some kind of Hocus-Pocus-Harry-Potter spell that could %20your%20ex%20back.html" get your ex back , would you really want to use it? If you could be honest with yourself, then ask yourself, "If I had to put a spell on an ex to bring them back, would I really want them back?" After all they didn't come back because they genuinely loved you they came back because some kind of Harry Potter told them they had to.

Now, of course, your ex may not be aware that they only love you because there is a spell on them, but you will know! You will always know that the love and affection that this cherished one displays for you is not for real - it's just a $25 love spell. That's not much different from having a lover who seems to "worship the ground you walk on" only because you are rich and drive an expensive car, and no matter how much they try to leave you they just can't tear themselves away from the magic of your bank account.

Sure! There is something quite quaint, romantic and fairy-tailish about using love spells, potions and wearing magic amulets to Win back an ex - but who would really want an ex back for any other reason than they really loved you?

However all these negatives about attracting an ex back through the Harry-Potter type stuff is not something you should really worry because as we all know Harry is not real and neither is his magic. "No!" Say the Witches of Eastwick, "that's not true - we do love spells every day and make a good living from it!"

Well! Let's look at it this way … If love spells work and if they could %20them%20back.html" get back your ex , then why stop at only love spells? Why not buy spells to make you more money, spells that will bring you that dream house, fast cars, boats, even a magic flying carpet?

I don't intend to sound sarcastic, but surely if love spells (and all the other kind of spells on the internet today) really worked, don't you think a lot of people would be ranting and raving about how great they are? And millions of people would be snapping them up left, right and centre. After all, a spell that could make you rich has got to be better than doing a mundane job, don't you agree?

In fact, it wouldn't be very long before we would see "Spell department stores" all over our cities and high streets, selling spells for this and spells for that. Who in their right mind would go and buy a washing machine, a dryer, an iron and an ironing board when a spell could do all our laundry for us?

But don't despair. There is a free love spell which, if applied correctly, could %20myspace.html" pull your ex back and would have them charging back to you!.With real love embedded deep in their heart …the magic of you!

You used this magic spell once before to first attract your ex, so you know it works!

So! Why not use it again?