If You Still Love Him and Want Your Ex Boyfriend Back - How To Make Him Fall in Love With You Again

If you are still in love with your guy after a breakup, it can be a very confusing time. You will get all kinds of advice from well meaning relatives and friends, but remember they will be on your side. That makes your ex boyfriend the bad guy and they will tell you to get rid of him. There is no way you can do that if you love him and still want a future with him . But actually their advice is not all wrong. Here is the reason why following their advice can get your ex back.

You will have to give the man you love up for a while and cut off all contact with him. Show him that you are strong and mature enough to be able to live your life without him. Since he is all prepared to see you chase him, begging and crying for him to want you again, ignoring him will be a big surprise to him. When you do not try to change his mind, but instead move on, he will be confused. This is what you want because although you have dropped off his radar, you will still be on his mind.

Resume your life the way it was before you met and fell in love with him. Spend time with your family and go out with friends and have fun. This will make him wonder if you care for him anymore. What you are doing is shifting the confusion and hurt of the breakup to him . If he feels that he has lost you, he will want you back. That is the way men are. They always want what they cannot have. As long as you were available, he took you for granted. But now you have become a challenge again, just as you were when he first met you.

Remember back to the way you were when your ex boyfriend first met you. You were probably full of fun, carefree and self confident. Being in love can do strange things to a person. You become too anxious to please and start smothering your man. You may become too jealous and want to know every move he makes. Soon he begins to wonder what happened to that fun loving woman he fell in love with and that is when he decides to take a break.

Your ex boyfriend is hurt and confused and feels as if he has lost the love of his life. He is not looking for another woman, he wants the one he fell in love with. All you need to do to get your ex back is show him that you are that woman again.