Coping With a Breakup - Coping With Breaking Up From My Ex the Hard Way

It was more like an unusual feeling that I believed will go away with time after breaking up with my ex. Coping with a break up was one state I never imagined would linger, I soon realized I was faced with a mental battle that was evidently hard to overcome.It seemed everything that made up my daily regular activities appeared strange and uninteresting. The feeling of my inability to get a grip on my emotions was unbearable. If you are going through this psychological meltdown as well then the following scenario's is not unfamiliar.

Loss of Focus:

A state of bewilderment was threatening to consume me. It was incredibly difficult to concentrate and get things done as usual. Unrealistic thoughts, mixed feelings, unreasonable excuses that all centered around the relationship always flashed through my mind when I need to go about my usual assignments.

Going it alone:

The pain I was struggling with was making me think really weird. Suicidal instincts was developing a sense of relief in my mind at that time. The problem was that I did not want to share my weakness with anyone let alone my family. I believed I will eventually heal with time. My option of coping with the breakup alone proved to be one of the biggest mistake I made.

Respecting oneself and moving on:

Upon getting information of the breakup, it took it really slightly believing that it was just a dream that I will eventually awake from. It took close to two days to come to terms with it. That was when I started to act irrationally, asking questions that were unfathomable, making belated suggestions, even raining abuses as my emotions overwhelmed me. It turned out a bloody mistake as I completely lost the respect of my spouse, friends and the people around, which may probably remain so forever. I was gutted!

Sense of negativity:

I selfishly occupied my mind with this thing for revenge. I wanted by all means to get back at my ex and painfully so. Spending my quality time scheming thoughts that will be crafty enough to hurt. The thought of the plan itself was developing a deeper sense of dissatisfaction and hatred towards my ex and it did not guarantee me happiness either.

A lot can happen to anyone during this period in life. It is important to align ones personality to a level where any unbecoming feeling is not considered life threatening. Coping with a breakup is not an unfortunate situation it is just a phase you are passing through. With the right guide and mindset to coping with breaking up from an ex, getting over it eventually is certain.