Fixing A Broken Relationship - Stopping Your Relationship Break Up

If you feel your relationship is not doing too well, what can you do about it? Is it possible your relationship is too far gone to save it? Or hopefully you are willing to start early to fix things when signs of trouble emerge. If the relationship has gotten really bad you may be wise to chalk it up to experience learned and get out of it.

Your first step is figure out exactly what is wrong with this relationship. If you do not have a clear picture then you have nothing to work with. Is your partner willing to try whatever it takes to make things right? If both of you can agree to tackle it together you have a good chance of making it work.

Improve your listening skills. If your partner is talking to you and you are not really paying attention to them it is noticeable. Make the effort to give them your undivided attention and try not to interrupt them, give them the chance to speak their mind. Gaining better communication skills can go a long way to making a better relationship.

Make a decision if the relationship is worth going through all this effort for. It may make you feel bad about it but sometimes you just can not fix things. If this has been an abusive relationship for you it would definitely be good to move on. You should take some time off to clear your mind before getting involved again. You do not want to drag old baggage into your new relationship.