Stop Relationship Breakup - 3 Things A Woman Should Be Careful Of

Unfortunately no matter how much a woman cares for her man, they may be driving him into and out of their life. It may be one thing or a combination of things that they do not realize they are doing. Their man could be in love with them, but they just can stay around any more.

Regardless of what the experts say about how a woman should treat their man, they are not always right. The best way to know what can chase a man away is to ask them directly. So what are some of the things men claim to be a reason for them leaving? Read below for some tips.

1. How about being all nice and sweet when first dating, then as things get more serious the woman can switch to their real personality which may have the guy wondering what's going on. This tactic can be used to lure the guy in; when he is seemingly caught, the girl may feel it's safe to be herself.

2. Being a drama queen can be really irritating. Every little thing that bothers the woman, she has to tell everybody about it, especially her guy while he is busy at work. His cell phone rings many times during the day and the other guys are giving him a hard time about it. Then when he gets home it's more of the same.

3. Then there is trying to manipulate their man to do their bidding. It could be many very small things which will add up to one big one eventually. Most men do not like being manipulated and will leave you for it. It would be best to be honest and straight forward with your man for the best relationship outcome.