Getting back with an ex boyfriend or girlfriend can be a very difficult task, depending on your situation. However, it is definitely not a task that is totally impossible. The fact that you are thinking about ways of getting back with your ex shows that you still believe it is possible to get your ex back.

Of course, if you have a step by step plan to follow, your chances of success in winning your ex back will be much better. Now, when people are trying to get their ex boyfriend or girlfriend back, they may face different problems. One of the trickiest problem is this, "What if my ex is already dating another person? Should I still try to get my ex back? Do I still stand any chance?"

Well, the answer really depends. Now, in this article, let us assume that your ex has only recently broken up with you. If your ex is already dating another person so soon, it may simply be a rebound relationship.

The truth is, most rebound relationship usually doesn't last long. Maybe, your ex boyfriend or girlfriend is simply treating the other person as a substitute for you. If you really believe that your are the one who can provide your ex's happiness, then you should never give up in chasing him or her back. Chances are, you still have a good chance to win your ex back.

However, if your ex has really decided to put the past behind him or her and is really in love with the new dating partner, then you should give him or her your blessings. Ultimately, you do love your ex and you do want him or her to be happy.