Signs That Your Ex Girlfriend is Seeing Someone Else

Being in love with your ex is never an easy thing. When you suspect she's moved on and is dating a new guy that makes it even harder. If you still have feelings for her it's virtually impossible to just come out and asking her about it. There are some signs your ex girlfriend is seeing someone else that will give you more insight into exactly what is going on.

One of the signs your ex girlfriend is seeing someone else is that she may become more relaxed around you. Quite often, right after a break up, there's still so many strong emotions at work that your ex will have trouble even being in the same room with you without breaking down. If you have noticed a shift in her demeanor recently, be it when you see her in person or on the phone that may indicate that she's emotionally moving on. Some women find it easier to interact with an ex when they are starting to invest emotionally in a new relationship. If this is happening, and you still love her, don't ignore it.

Another of the signs your ex girlfriend is seeing a new guy may be her unavailability to you. Women are compassionate creatures and if they sense you still have feelings they are going to tiptoe around the issue of a new boyfriend. For this reason she may make excuses as to why she doesn't answer your calls or why it takes her longer to reply to your emails. If you notice this happening it's because her interest is elsewhere. You may also notice, at the same time, her encouraging you to get out and date. That's a sure sign that she's moved on and wants you to do the same thing.