My Girlfriend Broke Up With Me and I Love Her - Advice For Men to Get Her Back

" My girlfriend broke up with me and I want her back." That's a phrase uttered by many men each and every day. Unfortunately sometimes a woman decides that she needs a relationship to be over when her partner holds a very different opinion on the matter. If you're one of these men you know that you're swimming in an ocean of frustration at the moment. Inside you wish you could just convince her to see the light and take you back. If she's not ready to do that just yet, don't lose hope. There's still plenty you can do to win back her love and make her yours again.

Almost every man has the same initial reaction when his girlfriend breaks up with him and he still wants the relationship to work. He tries to win her back by bombarding her with calls. The method may be a bit different in your case. Perhaps you've tried emailing or texting her often telling her that you just want another chance. Or maybe you are one of the many men who resort to popping by to see your ex in person to talk things over. If you're guilty of any of these approaches you need to stop it now. Your girlfriend will only become more irritated and angry with you if you constantly harass her. You have to forget her phone number, discard her email address and resist the temptation to drive by her house. If you don't she'll start to view you as desperate. Desperation is not a quality that women find attractive at all.

A much better approach to take is simple and involves just a few short steps. The first step is to apologize to her for your part in the split. Granted she's the one who made the final decision to end things, but chances are good that you contributed to the conflict in the relationship too. Call her up and offer a genuine apology. Don't send flowers or gifts. No apology cards or letters. A simple sorry is all that is required here. Then you need to disappear from her life for a few weeks. You have to allow her the opportunity to see how her life is without you in it. You can't do that if you're always right there trying to talk with her. Once that time has passed, give her a call and act friendly but non-threatening. Just tell her that you wanted to ensure everything was good and give her the impression that you're fine. If she truly senses that you may be moving on, she'll think twice about the break up because she'll realize that she risks losing you forever .