How Long to Wait Before You Contact Your Ex - Want to Get Your Ex Back Quickly?

It is not advised to contact your ex immediately after a relationship break up. If you try to " contact your ex immediately they would just ignore your calls or worse, tear into you for annoying them. It takes time, patience and careful planning before you can contact your ex again and reconnect with them.

If you have known your ex for a long time, then you would know them well enough to know how long it takes them an issue. How long does it take them to get over their anger, anguish, misery, and loneliness? That is how long it will take before you contact your ex.

You have to give them time to get over the break up and all the emotional stress that went with it. Your personal knowledge of their feelings and reactions will help you determine when it is time to contact them. It may take a few weeks to a few months, only you will know when the time is right.

It does not take a spy to know when it is time to contact your ex again. When your ex shuns people even their friends, they are not yet ready to face the world, least of all you. When they are going out or having contact with their friends, your ex is probably starting to recover.

You can then contact some of their friends and ask how your ex is doing. If word gets out, your ex will know that you're thinking of them. Doing this may prepare them for your contact in the future.

Now Pay Attention to this -

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