Your Ex Girlfriend Says She Needs Space - Ways to Get Her Back Before It's Too Late

If your ex girlfriend says she needs space you may wonder if this is the end of the relationship forever. It doesn't have to be. Many relationships go through a period where one of the partners feels as though they need some time apart. If your girlfriend has told you in no uncertain terms that she needs some distance you need to carefully plan everything you say and do in relation to her from that moment on. Understanding what steps to take will greatly increase your chances of winning her back for good.

The worst thing you can possibly do if your ex girlfriend says she needs space is to fight her on the issue. Even though you'll be screaming inside for her not to go, you shouldn't let her see you react emotionally. It's human nature to hold tightly onto the things we love so she's likely going to be expecting you to have a strong emotional reaction. The problem is that if you cry, beg or plead with her to give you another chance she's going to view that as desperation. It's going to make her feel justified in the break up and it will greatly decrease your chances of winning her back.

Jealousy is one tactic many men resort to if an ex girlfriend says she needs space but this again, just isn't the right route to take. The problem with trying to make your girlfriend jealous is that it's going to give her a false impression. She's going to assume that since you are already seeing someone new, you're already over her. You don't want her to feel that way at all. If you want to give off the allusion that you're not sitting at home mourning the break up, just spend time with groups of friends. That way your ex girlfriend will get the sense that you're trying to move on and if she feels that it may be enough to make her realize exactly what she has to lose in you.