How to win husband back? Is it really possible to win my husband back regardless of the situation, even if it seems extremely hopeless? What if my husband is ignoring me in the first place? How can I over come his resistance and win him back to my side?

Well, if you have already broken up with your husband, yet still love him very much. you will probably be feeling quite vexed over those few questions above. Well, this is definitely a very tricky question when your husband is actually ignoring you.

There are some possible reasons why your husband is trying to avoid you. Maybe you have done something very wrong and hurt your husband so deeply that your husband just doesn't wish to see you for the time being.

Regardless, if your husband has been ignoring you for this reason, he probably just want to protect himself. Seeing you may trigger some negative emotions in him and this is what he is trying to avoid.

If that is the case, then you should respect your husband decision and don't contact him for the time being. You might want to wait for a more appropriate moment before contacting him again. This will result in a much better situation.

Of course, there may be other reasons why your husband is ignoring you and it may not necessary be due to your fault. But regardless of the reasons, generally, you don't want to appear too desperate. So, you don't want to keep on calling over and over again if your husband is not picking up the phone.

This will only serve to irritate him and make you seem desperate, definitely not a good position to place yourself in.