How to Get Over Being Dumped - and Get Your Ex Back - Step by Step Advice

Not only can you ?tid=ab22" " get over being dumped , but you can get your ex back as well...let me show you how. I know that getting dumped sucks, everyone has gotten the boot once or twice in their life. But you can recover by getting back together with your ex...if you have a good plan. I know you're becoming bitter about love, but stop right there. I am going to take you out of the dump zone, and help you get back in the game...sound good?

Step One

If you're planning to ever feel better some time in the near future, you must pick yourself up and get control of your emotions. Face it, no one likes being dumped. The decision is yours; do you let your ex girlfriend/boyfriend slip away, or are you planning to fight? If you answered; “I want to fight!” (which I hope you did), then you need to step up to the plate and start swinging again.

You can start by breaking off any type of communication you are having with your ex girlfriend/boyfriend, and get ready to focus. You are not punishing your ex after being dumped. If they contact you, just be polite and tell them you need some time for yourself right's that simple. Stepping up and taking control of your situation, is the best way to get over being dumped, and to get your ex back.

Step Two

Now that we have made it through step one, things are becoming clearer for you, as you focus on yourself and not your ex. As human beings we usually embrace pain as a friend, we love to feel sorry for ourselves, and I never could understand why. When I was dumped, it just came out of no day she is talking about getting married, and then she never came back...WTF?

Needless to say I freaked out, the Internet was still a baby (early 90's) and all I had was HBO and Bacardi, to help me get over being dumped. Don't let this happen to you, by taking the right steps now, you won't dig yourself a grave like I did. This is another good reason to avoid contacting your ex, because you will probably just make things I did. Exchange the booze and self pity for a plan. This is the best way to get over being dumped, and to get your ex back.


Step Three

Lets recap...pick yourself up out of the dump zone, and stop communicating with your ex. Next...avoid drinking and self pity, they will screw you over every time...take it from me...I have been there. The worst way to get over being with a hang over. Okay, so whats next? Next you are going to start reshaping your destiny, by changing your thoughts and being there for yourself. You must think and act positive, if you are going to get positive results.

I know that sounds way too simple to work, but listen. Sometimes the answer is so close and simple that we can not see it, and tend to over look it. All the while banging our heads against the wall, looking for that “magical” solution. Believe me, there was a few times when a “fairy” god father or mother would've come in real handy...but they never showed up.

It was just me against the world, and I survived and so will you. Getting over to your local library right away, and grabbing some free materials on self help will be the first the many small steps, that will teach you how to get over being dumped, and to get your ex back. All these tips that I have just shared with you, will help you get started, but to get to the finish line, you are going to need a real good plan...and follow it. All the advice, tips, and help in the world will not help you, if you do not use it.

The Most Important Step

Why would anyone do this? I mean do you really think by randomly getting advice from friends, family, and co-workers, that you are going to succeed? You need a plan, a plan that works, and you need it now. What? You want to get over being dumped, and get your ex back...but you do not have a plan?

If you do not have a good plan…I do, and it works…just take a look at my success stories page. I will be happy to help you, and to guide you, if you are willing to work with me and the plan. Just get the “best free advice” out there, and ?tid=ab22" " get over being dumped . Do It Today! Learn from your mistakes, before you make them….and someone else takes your place.

Until next time,

S. Williams

~I know that “love hurts” but with my help you will get strong enough to kick love's ass~