Make Your Ex Boyfriend See He Still Loves You - Effective Steps To Get Him Back Fast

When your ex boyfriend broke up with you, it was devastating and you thought you had lost him for good. But, love does not die that fast, and your ex still loves you. All you need to do in order to get your ex back is make him see he still loves you . If you can forget the hurtful things he said, he can forget and forgive you for yours. The only difference is, men take longer to get over things. Where you would be happy if you could sit down with him and talk things out, the man you love needs to pout a while longer.

This is why you cannot be harassing him with phone calls, emails and text messages. If you have been doing this as well as chasing after him and telling him that he is your whole life and you cannot live without him, you need to stop now. If he told you he needs space or a break, give it to him. To get your ex back you are going to have to get a grip on your emotions and have no contact with him whatsoever for at least a month. This will be hard and seem like a life time, but it is the only way to make your ex boyfriend see that he still loves you .

Start thinking of yourself and your own needs and think of the person you were before you met the guy you love. You were probably fun loving and carefree. It is a shame how being in love can change us. Love should be beautiful and enjoyed, but sometimes it makes us a slave. Think back, did you become so wrapped up in pleasing your ex boyfriend that you forgot everything and everyone else. Doing this will drive a man away instead of keeping him. If this has happened to you, it can easily be corrected.

Now is the perfect time to show your ex that you can live without him. Get back with the relatives and friends you have been neglecting and go out and have some fun. Ignore you ex and do the things that please you. Take up a hobby or do volunteer work. You will gain self respect and become a stronger and better person by helping others in need. While you are doing these things your ex will be hearing about it and gain new respect for you. He will also begin to miss you. After all, you were a very large part of his life and he is bound to feel at least a little lost without you. These feelings will cause him to see that he still loves you .

Next he will come to the conclusion that his life can only be happy and whole again by having you back. This will make him be the first to make contact and suggest that you try to work things out.