How to Woo Your Ex Back - The Simple Guide

How do you get your ex back after they've walked off leaving you totally stunned? It hit you like a thunderbolt from the blue.

Top Resources

There are some brilliant yet simple steps that can help you rekindle love in your ex partner . I'll come to those in a second. And I have some first class resources for you at the end of this article: the best site I've found for winning your lover back. Straightforward, easy to understand, and laid out in a clear way that anyone who can read can follow.

First Thing First

Unless some important preliminaries are attended to, it can seriously mess things up later on. To begin with, forget any idea you had about being nicey-nicey to have them take you back. They'll lose respect for you (I wouldn't be much surprised  if you also lost respect for you while doing it!)

Take it from someone who knows, the reason the other left - if they were the one that left - may have had little to do with your lack of the gentler graces.

Show strength

So this has hit you hard? Prove to the other you can take whatever they and life throw at you. They know, and you know, what an asset strength is in a partner. So show that strength they barely suspected was there.

Another thing: any relationship worthy of the name is essentially a process of giving and getting. As mechanical as it sounds, each of you wanted something. That's why you were together. Show them in a firm handling of a difficult situation what reserves of strength there are to deal with this and that future challenges, life is sure to throw in both your path.

A part of that strong approach being not acting honey sweet  and nice right now but leaving them alone for a little while. Let them come to you. Make this a game – winning back the other's love – that both of you play at.

Going Out

Take the opportunity to catch up on old friendships. There are many social activities that you may have thought vaguely of engaging in. Now's your opportunity to catch up with them. While we're at it, make sure you keep up your grooming standards. It will all help to maintain, in fact boost your confidence at this time when you need it most.

And you know what, there's so much more I have to tell you and would like to, to help you get back together with the love of your life. I've crammed as much as I can here but...

Now Listen to This

Remember those resources I promised. Please listen. If you're serious, really serious about getting back your ex , go directly to these pages at . I sincerely hope this helps.