There is no denying that breakups are lonely and difficult. Wouldn't it be great if you could learn how to make your ex miss you and want you back right now? Even better, what if you could learn the secrets to have your exbeggingyou to come back?

This isn't a beautiful dream to be enjoyed in the dark hours of the night or as your daydreaming about a happy reunion. The truth is that it is possible for you to learn how to make your ex miss you and that is the first step you need to take if you hope to win your ex back.

Learninghow to make your ex miss youisn't the hard part. Finding the will power to do what it takes often is.

This may seem like a lost cause. It isn't. You just need to allow a little time to pass. Stop calling, emailing, texting, and instant messaging. In fact, cut of all communication. You don't have to do this forever but give your ex the opportunity to see that you aren't there.

After a couple of weeks send ahand writtenletter to your ex. It needs to be hand written because this is what will get the attention of your ex. Text messages and emails are all too common. You want to set yourself apart as uncommon and special. A hand written letter in the digital age will do just that.

What Your Letter Should Say

What you say is extremely important. You want your ex to understand that you've accepted the breakup.

Don't stop reading.

You need to accept the breakup and even agree that it is a good idea. Chances are it is just the thing your relationship needed so that youbothwould learn to appreciate one another more (of course you can leave this little tidbit out of your letter).

Once you've accepted the breakup your ex will realize that you aren't just a phone call or finger snap away. Your ex will never miss you as long as he or she believes that you are desperately waiting for a phone call or some sign of capitulation.

Matters of the heart often get complicated by the dealings of the mind. In other words they are often completely mental whether they should be or not.

Once your ex realizes that you've mentally accepted the end of the relationship and are prepared to move on, then your ex can begin to miss you, remember the great times you shared, and want you back. Your ex might even be the one to make the first move after you've learned how to make your ex miss you.