Does My Ex Boyfriend Still Love Me - These Signs Say He Does And You Can Get Your Ex Back

In the days following a breakup, when all the dust has settled, you will begin asking the question does my ex boyfriend still love me and are there signs that say he does and you can get your ex back. It is important that you watch for these signs because they will tell you when the time is ripe to take hope. But it is just as important that you do not misread signs or imagine you see them, because making a move prematurely can ruin everything.

Attempting to read signs that anyone gives out when you are clear headed and alert is tricky enough, but attempting to read signs that answer the question does my ex boyfriend still love me when you are still in a highly emotional state can be downright dangerous to the future of your relationship. You must guard against seeing too much just because you want so badly to see it.

However there are some pretty clear signs that are positive and will give you reason to hope. Although you are not having contact with him does he keep track of you through friends? Do they tell you he has been asking about you and if you are dating anyone? These signs tell you that you are still very much on his mind and he still cares about you. When a man is finished with a woman for good he will not be concerned with her dating status.

If you seem to be running into him by 'accident' quite often, this is a sign that he feels comfort in just being near you and is wiling to settle for an occasional sighting. This clearly shows a yearning for you and a need to see you. If he didn't still have strong feelings for you he would stay as far from you as possible.

Another big sign to answer your question does my ex boyfriend still love me and you can get your ex back is when he calls to ask if he left a sweater or something at your place. Tell him you haven't noticed it but you will call him back and let him know. This gives you a chance to call him and be in charge of when to cut the call off. You can do some sneaky work of feeling him out to see if he is really serious about getting back together. Don't come right out and ask him but use your womanly ways of drawing him out.