How to Cope With Being Single

Nobody likes to see important relationships end. The simple truth is that, after being committed to another person, being single can be very hard to deal with. It truly does not matter if you were the one who wanted to end the relationship, the one who was dumped or if the decision was mutual. You will be hurting for a while. Here are some ways to cope with your recent breakup and handle being single again.

1. Acknowledge that your relationship is over.

There is a cliché that says the first step to recovery is admitting that there is a problem. You cannot begin to get over your ended relationship until you admit that it is over. Sitting around and hoping that the relationship will resume will only prolong the recovery process. You cannot begin to heal until you are honest with yourself.

2. Let yourself feel your feelings.

During the initial stages of your breakup and your reintroduction to the single life you will probably feel like your emotions are all over the place. This is natural. You'll be angry one minute, sad the next and you'll even have moments when you feel perfectly normal—even happy. Let yourself take time to examine all of your moods. It's natural to get irrationally angry at something that would not usually bother you. This is because you are reeling from a major change in your life. Acknowledge these feelings as normal and let yourself feel them. If you try to shove them down, they'll pop back up when you least expect it—and least want it to happen.

3. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

When you end a relationship and find yourself single again, it is important to be honest with your friends and family about what has happened. Don't pretend that everything is fine or that the relationship is still healthy. You'll need people to lean on and your friends will want to help you feel better. Don't be afraid to show your friends what you are feeling. Leaning on your friends will help you start to get over your breakup and move on.

4. Don't Prolong the Breakup

Eventually you will start to feel better being single. This does not mean that your relationship was not important. Feeling better does not mean that you no longer care about the other person; it simply means that you are ready to care about yourself again. Don't fight the "normal" feeling when it starts to come through. This means that you are ready to truly move on and begin your single life again.

Every person goes through a transitional period when they go through a breakup and find themselves single again. Experts say that the emotions a person experiences after a breakup are the same emotions people experience after the death of a loved one. It is important that you allow yourself to grieve properly before moving on with your life. You might even eventually enjoy being single again. It just takes time and patience.

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