10 Ways To Win Him Back

Here’s some useful ways on how to win him back :

  1. Learn how to cook his favorite food.Whether it’s pasta, a native dish or plain dessert.  The important thing is you’re able to prepare it for him.  After which, bring it to his home and let him and his family enjoy it.  This way, you did not only win him but his family as well.
  2. Bond with his family.Join his family in their favorite Sunday activity.  But let me warn you, don’t overdo it and make sure you don’t invite yourself, ask first your ex if you can join them.  I’m pretty much sure he’ll appreciate your intention.
  3. Be True to Yourself.Show him the real you.  Don’t cover your attitude, the good and the not so good.  After all, if he’ll fall in your trap again, you might be bound to be together, forever.  So be candid and be yourself.
  4. Give him “unexpected” gifts.There are things that guys don’t expect us girls to give them.  Be creative…you can ask his friends if you like.
  5. Be Sensitive.Most guys are not but we should be.  What I mean about sensitive is to know what he like and what he doesn’t like.  If he doesn’t like you wearing short shorts, then maybe it’s time for you to adjust to what he like. You can ask him, I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.  This way, you are giving him a signal that you are now being sensitive to him.
  6. Go out with your guy without any commitments.Ask your guy out and do it without any commitment.  A friendly date you might say.  Have a drink in your favorite bar, you can even ask his friends to join you.  Or if you want it a little more romantic, try going out of town but not to spend an overnight with him.  Just a whole day out with your ex in your favorite out of town place.  When you’re there, just enjoy the moment, and don’t talk about the relationship or the break up.  After all, it’s a friendly date.
  7. Chat with your EX.If want a more serious discussion, you can invite him out for a coffee or a dinner.  This time, discuss to him what has transpired and why do you have to end your relationship.  Do this at least 2 weeks or a month after your break up.  This will make things easier for you and him.  If both of you realizes that what happened was a mistake, you can patch things up and learn from the experience.  If not, this will make both of you easier to move on without having any regrets at all.
  8. Be a good Listener.Men often think of us women as the “nagger”, the “loud speaker”, and the one who always speak.  This time, try to listen to your ex.  Not only hearing what your ex says but listening to the real meaning of what he’s trying to tell you.  Don’t interfere when he is speaking, just listen, if you have something to say, wait until he finished speaking.  This way, the communication will be two ways, him and you.
  9. Put in some humor to your conversations.Sometimes, break up is caused by boredom of both parties.  Why not put some humor in your conversation.  Laugh together; think of a time when both of you enjoyed had fun when you are talking.  I know that when you’re in a relationship, most of the time, you talk about serious stuff.  But hey, its’ about time we change our mind set.  Of course we should talk about serious stuff but it shouldn’t happen all the time.  Cracking out a joke is fine; it’s like breaking the ice when everything else gets frozen.
  10. Let him see that you’re still excited spending time with him.This way, he knows that you still are excited in seeing him.  This is another common reason why partners fall out of love, when the excitement dies down…along with it is the relationship.  If this is the reason of your break up, think of ways on how to relive the excitement in your relationship.  This way, your ex will appreciate your sincerity in bringing back the spark.

With these ten (10) tips, I’m sure; there is at least three which is most suitable to you and your ex .