How to Make Your Ex Want You Back - Rekindling A Relationship

Too often I witness men and women with this problem, wanting to know how to make your ex want you back . And in some cases it even turns out to ruin peoples every day life for up to 2 years. The reason why I write this article is that I think it's a darn shame, becausein 90% of all broken relationshipsit IS possibleto make your ex want you backonce again.

So I'll present to you some essential key points that you need to be aware of and understand in order to succeed in making your ex want you back. Have you ever thought about the HOW's and the WHY's? Do you even have a plan? That is the 2 most fundamental things you need to have covered before you try to convince your ex that they want you back - do you even know why your ex should want you back? If your ex is that important to you, and there's nothing more in the whole world you want more than to make your ex want you back again, then I suggest you read these advice carefully and start implementing them today.

How to make your ex want you back is not something you can decide that you want today, and have tomorrow - it takes time. But it don't have to take that long, if you approach this in a mature way and accepts your current situation. That you ex is gone for now. You need to find out WHY your relationship went all wrong.

The reason why I say that you need to find the source / core of all your problems is that this IS the only solution in the long term. I admit that some of the human mind manipulation strategies can be very effective, in the short term - but like Genie it can't give you love. You just trick your ex into believing that THEY might have been the cause of the problems, but then you can be certain that new problems will arise. The only way to make your ex want you back from deep within their heart is to this.

We've actually already covered step 1, which is to find the strength to accept the split, for now.

And why do you think that is? It's because if you continue down the road in which you were headed, you'll meet the same obstacles over and over again metaphorically speaking. Things will turn bad once again. What you need is to make a new way. Your own way.

Love, respect and attraction is mainly the 3 things that brought you and your ex together. You had those 3 things once. My best advice as to how to make your ex want you back is to make your ex realize what they had when they were together with you. What they've lost.

Move on with your life. Or at least make it look as if you've moved on. Be happy, go to the beach and get a tan, and hang out with your friends like your used to do. Your ex WILL notice that you are back to your own self again, stronger than ever after coming through your crisis. By signaling that you are still able to live a happy life, even when your ex isn't a part of it anymore, signals that you're a confident and positive person, which has something good to offer. Something that your ex feel they miss. The kind of person your ex saw and liked in you when the two of you got together back then.

Step 3 is the 'no contact' challenge. You absolutely do not want to be the pet of your ex. Look at is like if you were a bird caught in a cage - your ex' bird. Then you would hang around waiting for your ex to get bored and find the time to talk to you, and what happens next? Your ex lose interest in that poor once again. You get the point right? If your ex is not calling YOU, then do not contact them either. I can't emphasize how important this is.

What happens now inside the mind of your ex is that first of all they'll notice the change in your behavior instantaneously and be asking questions which will really bug them. Your ex will get too curious about what changed your heart, why they are not the center of your universe anymore. Did you perhaps fall in love with somebody else. Your ex will at some point think they have lost you, and regret leaving you. This is very good.