How to End an Affair - Saying Goodbye is Never Easy

Involvement in an affair is more often than not a complicated and messy situation, ending that affair can be even more so! It is with this in mind I decided to write this guide to help those involved by providing some important tips on how to end an affair the right way.

Many people for a variety of reasons fall into relationships with people outside their marriage. Often it is to fill some emotional void or simply driven by lust, most times a participant may still be in love with their married partner and realize the affair has to end and they need to move on and get back to focusing on their marriage.

Unfortunately an affair is like every relationship, they are usually hard things to let go of and bring to an end. Whilst it may have been the wrong thing to do, there will be feelings of affection toward your partner in the affair and you don't want to hurt them or make them feel worthless.

The question then is how to end an affair the right way, how do we say goodbye? Unfortunately there is no easy way, there are no magic words or methods to resolve the issue without their being some hurt and regret.

The most crucial thing you must do is, whatever you do, do NOT put it off, the longer the affair goes on, the stronger the emotions of those involved become and the harder it will be to end it. Also do not give any hope of things changing, no "let's just spend some time apart" declarations, be straight to the point and short. Whilst you don't want to hurt your partner it's the only way you will make them see this is truly the end. They will hold more respect for you, if your blunt, than if you just continue to lead them on.