How to Make Your Ex Boyfriend Wild About You Again - Make Him Realize What He Lost By Breaking Up

After a breakup, if you are still very much in love with your ex boyfriend, your only thought might be to get him back fast. But, sitting amid a mountain of wet tissues, it all seems impossible. When it all started, you never dreamed it would end like this. He was the prince charming that you dreamed about when you were a little girl and he called you his princess. Then everything fell apart. But this does not have to be the end of happiness for you. It could be the beginning of a stronger and happier relationship, if you do not make things any worse.

You can get your ex boyfriend back and make him wild about you again. It is as simple as making him realize what he lost when he broke up with you. Just because he broke up with you does not mean that he does not love you anymore. Right now he is upset and angry about something and the fact that you are emotionally upset, does not make for good communication. That is why, you need to stay away from him for a while. That will keep you from making mistakes that could end things forever. Many a relationship that could have been saved has been ended by hasty action.

If you have the patience, your ex boyfriend will begin to see what he has lost. But, the only way he can feel he has lost you , is if you put plenty of distance between you. He cannot miss you or feel he has lost you if you are always around. So find other things to take up your time for a few weeks and let your ex settle down. Spend more time with your family and friends. Their love and support will make you feel more confident again and prepare you for the next step to getting your ex back.

After a few weeks have passed, you should have your emotions under control and your ex boyfriend will be wondering what happened to you. This is the perfect time to show him your strength and maturity. Make sure that you will not start crying at the sound of his voice, because you are going to call him and apologize. You may wonder why you should apologize when you do not feel the breakup was your fault. The answer is that someone has to make the first contact and this is the best way to do it.

Think of the times you have said 'I am sorry'. It always gets a positive response and it will get a positive response from your ex. You do not want to make any explanations and do not start crying or begging. Just say you are sorry for hurting him and end the conversation. Have no further contact with him, the next move is his. This is certain to make him realize what he lost and he will be wild about you again .