How to Repair the Breakup After A Relationship Has Broken Down

You have been together many years and you love each other very much. Then all of a sudden, out of the blue, something goes wrong. On the surface, you can't stand to be with the person anymore. You feel uncomfortable in their presence. So what happened, what went wrong? Why is yourrelationship breaking up?

Lots of solid relationships go sour, mostly for silly reasons. Habits that over time you have got used to and learnt to live with, but now have become irritating and get on your nerves.

So how do you go about repairing this crack in your relationship? Because you know deep down that you are still in love with that person.

Well the first step is to spend some time apart, absence makes the heart grow fonder they say, and this is true. Think of it like your summer holiday, you look forward to it all year, no stress from work or everyday routine, and at the end of it, it is always nice to be home and all the comforts that it brings.

The time apart in the relationship will have the same effect as the holiday. Whilst you are apart, you will have time to think about other things, you will, after a period of time, come to realise how good the relationship is, and you will begin to miss your partner.

You should however not rush intorepairing your relationshipas the other person may not be as ready as you are. Take your time, go back to courting each other to rekindle that love. Talk to one another, so often relationships break down through lack of communication, do not let this happen otherwise you will never be able to repair your relationship.

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