If you love your ex boyfriend is it possible to make him regret breaking up with you ? It actually is! Rejection is a difficult pill for anyone to swallow. It's even more painful if you're still wild about your ex boyfriend. If you want to make him see that he's lost the most amazing woman he'll ever meet, make it happen. With the right insight and a few tricks up your sleeve, you can have that man pining for you again in no time flat.

The very first thing you've got to do if you want to make him regret breaking up with you is accept that the relationship is over, for now. Up to this point, your instinct has likely been telling you to push him in every way possible to get him back. That's understandable, but it's also destructive. Repeatedly badgering a man to take you back is not the way to get him back. It's actually the way to push him farther and farther away from you. Instead, tell him that you're fine with the break up. If you want to speed up the process of getting him to regret dumping you, tell him that you were on the brink of ending things soon as well. Ensure that you smile and are calm throughout this conversation. You want him to believe that you're not wishing for him back. This is essential.

Now, you need to do something a bit shocking in your effort to win back his love. You're going to ignore the man you love for several weeks. This seems impossible when all you want is another chance with him, but you absolutely need to do it. Enlist the help of a friend if you have to. Just do whatever it takes to stay as far away from his as you possibly can. That means no contact in any form. If you can do this, he'll be left feeling alone and rejected.

Men don't deal well with rejection. Once your ex starts to realize that you no longer want him, he's going to instantly wonder why. It will eat at him and bother him. He'll think back to happier times when you two were together. Your distance and silence is going to be what drives him to come back to get you. If you can hold strong and avoid him at all costs, it won't take long until he starts to regret the break up and longs to have you back in his arms again .