Ignore Your Heart And Use Your Head

When you want to win back your love, you need to use your head instead of your heart. You will see the difference when you do so.

Your heart is surely telling you to go after your ex, begging him or her to listen to you and once the latter has listened to what you had to say, he or she will see to what extent you want him or her back because you are still in love and miss the latter very much. Then, according to your heart, your ex will automatically get back with you. This is a false concept.

On the contrary, your head will tell you to step back to control yourself. Take your time so that you get a good perspective of the relationship.

Your head is what you should listen to because you are going to get good pieces of advice. So, stay away from your ex for now and do not try to meet or call the latter. If you want to send him or her love notes, restrain from that.

If you do all that your heart tells you, you will appear to be desperate. Your ex will certainly not want to patch up with someone who is hopeless. You are going to drive your ex away this way.

When he or she will not be hearing from you for long, the latter will want to know what happened and what you are up to. Hence, you are making your ex think about you.

Learn to do things, that you used to do together, without your ex. It will be for your own good because you will be gaining your confidence back. If your ex used to help you when you had a problem, take your problem to somebody else until you can cope with it on your own. Your ex will see that you are a mature person.