If You Are Saying I Miss My Ex Boyfriend After A Breakup - Get Him Back By Making Him Miss You!

When you feel you have lost the love of your life forever, it can be a terribly painful experience. Seeing all of you dreams of having a home and family with the only man you can ever love, walking away with him is devastating. You do not want to see your friends or family because you do not want to be cheered up. So, you just sit in the middle of a mountain of tear drenched tissues and say ' I miss my ex boyfriend '.

Doing this will not get your ex back, but it is better than harassing him by calling him several time each night and telling him you cannot live without him. At least, sitting alone and crying, is better than letting him see you cry or hear you beg. Men become very uncomfortable around a woman that is needy and desperate and pull as far away from them as possible. So, staying away from him and getting all of the tears and hurt out of you is a good idea after a breakup.

Throw yourself on the bed and kick, scream and cry until you have it all out of you. Then go take a good soaking bath. Now that you are feeling better, get dressed, call some friends and go out for a good time. This will not be what you want to be doing, but you need to show your ex that you are not sitting at home moping. By not calling him or trying to get him back , you will be sending him a message. That message will be that you can do just fine without him. This will surprise your ex because he thought you still loved him and your actions will make him wonder if he made a mistake.

Hearing about you going out and having a good time will make him remember all of the good times you had together and he will begin to miss you. Your ex boyfriend will also realize that with you going out and being available, some other guy will be after you. This could cause him to feel an urgency to talk to you before things go too far. You should continue to ignore him by not answering any emails, text message or taking his phone calls. By doing this you have turned things completely around and he is the one that is desperate.

When a man begins to miss the woman he broke up with and becomes desperate, he will do the thing that he does best. Your ex boyfriend will be chasing you until he has you back. This is what you have been hoping would happen, but if you want to keep him, never be too available again and never let him think he owns you.