“ My girlfriend needs space. ” That’s not a phrase a man wants to say when he’s deeply in love with his girlfriend. Whenever a woman says she needs space it’s usually a very kind way of saying she is seriously considering a break up. If you’re faced with this situation right now you may not be aware of how instrumental your own actions are in helping her decide whether to end things for good or whether to give the relationship another chance. If you don’t want to lose her forever, you need to start thinking about each and every thing you do. There are some simple things that any man can do that will bridge the emotional distance between him and his girlfriend so the relationship can get back on track quickly.

If your girlfriend needs space your natural instinct is going to be to convince her otherwise. This is when most men take to calling their girlfriends continuously asking her to reconsider or they send her gifts in an effort to get her to change her mind. These seem like great ideas but they’re actually not. You risk causing more damage to your relationship if you try and convince her that she wants something she knows she doesn’t. You stand a much better chance of winning your girlfriend back if you agree with her that a break is in order. This takes a bit of acting and some careful wording but essentially when she says she wants space, you tell her you’ve been thinking the same thing. Do this now whether she’s told you last week or today she wants a break. Just agree to it. It will surprise her and it will change her attitude, almost immediately.

The next step in your plan to keep the relationship together is to stop talking to her. Again, this advice seems to go against everything you think you should be doing, but it works. By giving her the space she wants you’re accomplishing a couple of important things. First, you’re respecting her needs and wants. You’ll gain big points with her for this. The other, and more important, reason you want to give her some time away from you is to show her what her life will really be like without you. The old saying that the grass isn’t always greener is very true. Once she truly feels your absence in her life she’ll become that much more enamored with you. The moment a woman feels her man is slipping away from her, she’ll react and want him back. Let her feel that and before long it will be her who comes crawling back to you.