Non Surgical Face Lift Alternatives

Non-surgical Face Lift Alternatives

A non-surgical face lift can improve the overall appearance of the skin without the cost, time, and physical difficulties of traditional face lift surgery. Face lifts without surgery, offer great benefits to patients unwilling to go under the knife. Here is an introduction to some of the non-surgical face lift alternatives available.

Face Lift Without Surgery

Thanks to modern technology, it is now possible to have an effective face lift without surgery. There are several non-surgical face lift techniques available, including the laser face lift, and the microcurrent face lift. These procedures are minimally invasive, remarkably efficient, and practically pain-free.

Laser Face Lift

Looking for a face lift that doesn’t require incisions? With a laser face lift, there is no cutting, scarring, or anesthesia. Using laser technology, doctors resurface and tighten the outer layers of the skin, leaving patients with fewer fine lines and wrinkles. The non-surgical laser face lift does cause some minor discoloration and sensitivity immediately after treatment; however, these side effects typically disappear within a week or two.

Microcurrent Face Lift

Also known as the Bio-Ultimate face lift, a microcurrent face lift is a non-surgical face lift procedure that is aesthetically effective and cost efficient. During a microcurrent face lift, gentle electric currents are applied to the face, stimulating a natural cellular reaction. The effects of this stimulation are varied and include exfoliation and rejuvenation of the skin, tightening of the facial muscles, reduction of sun damage, and improvements in overall skin tone. By promoting the skin’s natural ability to produce collagen and elastin, microcurrent face lifts leave patients with subtle but exceptional facial enhancement.

Natural Face Lift Products and Creams

In certain situations, even the least invasive non-surgical face lift procedures are undesirable or impossible, as in the case of patients with skin that is too thin or too sensitive for thread face lifts or laser face lifts. Luckily, the range of natural face lift products is rapidly increasing and improving. Face lift creams containing highly concentrated solutions of amino acids like acetyl hexapeptide and alpha hydroxy acid are intended to tighten skin and reduce fine lines. Other natural face lifts include instant face lift powders and creams that can be applied at home.

For information on other various non-surgical face lift treatments and products visit