How To Get Your Ex Back Guide

So your ex just moved on leaving you behind cold, hurting and desperate and worst of all you cannot stop thinking about your ex no matter how hard you try. You tried everything you know how to get your ex back and you even begged but to no avail. Now you are brokenhearted, lonely, helpless and hopeless and it seems the world is on your shoulder. You no longer enjoy the things that you love to do before and it seems everything is black and white.

I know how that feels because I have been there before and 90% of adult and teens that have been in love have gone through the same thing that you are now going through. But the good news is that most of these adults and teens have reunited with their loved ones. Many of these adults includes couples, ex-con, or people who are in verbally or physically abusive relationships and some of the reasons they broke up includes cheating on their partner, lying, lost of interest and passion, indifference, religion, racism and the worst case scenario that anyone could ever imagine.

The question is how do these people won back their loved ones. What do these people do to reunite with their ex?

I am going to reveal to you the simple steps that you must take to get back your ex and that with proven psychological facts.And this psychological fact is the main reason why people got back their ex. But I want you to know this, there are no push button methods to get back your ex and that is simply because we are dealing with people here and not robots. You will not get your ex back within 24 hours or seven days with these steps that I am going to show you. It will take time, daily dos and dons, and patience.

What is the Secret?

The secret is that these people took simple yet highly effective actions like saying the right words at the right time and making the right moves at the right time and stop doing things that they should not be doing. By following these same actions daily you can also get your ex back. And remember these secrets are nothing but simple actions that you need to take daily and that will take you on the road to win your ex back.

One Vital Question and answer you must know before getting your ex back

I want to be honest with you and before you go ahead with the steps that I am going to show you, there is one vital question that you must answer. If your answer to this question is yes then you are ready to take the steps necessary to get your ex back.

Q. How far are you willing to go in order to get your ex back?
Your answer: You are willing to do things that you really do not feel like doing and even go the extra mile if that is what it takes to get your ex back. If this is the way you feel inside, then you are ready to follow the steps to getting back your ex. Please read on

First things first and two rock-solid reasons on why it is absolutely possible to get your ex back

The first thing you should do is stop calling your ex,stop sending text messages, stop telling your best friend or friends to talk to your ex and stop begging your ex to give you one more chance and stop making promises that you will do anything to please your ex or that you will not do it again.

A lot fo times we often fail to keep our promises and when we repeat them unintentionally our partners hold that up against us. And this triggers the same unpleasant, disappointed and hopelessness emotions we had when we were at the point of breaking up and this brings us to the same dangerous ground. This is one reason why many people break up.

I know that communicating and begging your ex is the main thing that we wanted to do so badly when we breakup but this will never solve the problem.It only makes you helpless, weak and hopeless which in turn will make you do crazy things like drinking excessively, taking drugs, and even having sex etc.Doing these things will not get your ex back because all of these things are fear-based driven and we do them out of hopelessness. And you cannot think straight and clear when you are motivated and driven by fear.

You need to regain your mental health.For this reason you must take a big break to calm down and recover your mental, emotions and physical strength at the same time your ex also needed a big break just like you do. Your relationship was at stake before the breakup happened simply because you were both stressed out, worn out, and it takes time and patience for both of you to recover. So there is no point at all to push it now as it will make matters worst. Give yourself a big break and for your ex too. This will put both of you on the road to recovery which is absolutely crucial in getting back your ex.

Secondly you need to stop trying so hard to forget your ex.The truth is you cannot and you will not. The harder you try, the more you burn yourself out and the more you will remember your ex. So stop it. We all remember people in our lives even after 10, or more years because we have memories. Unless our memories are wiped out or we have brain-damage we will never forget about them (I do not mean to insult your intelligence here). After 10 years or so I still remember my first love till to this very day. And that is simply natural. But I have good news for you. If we cannot forget people because of our memory power then your ex still remembers you. Maybe your ex had moved on but that does not mean your ex had forgotten about you. No matter how hard your ex may try to forget you the more he or she is going to remember you. Are you not glad to hear that? This is why it is absolutely possible to get your ex back. Read on, it will encourage you and give you hope.

Knowing the real reasons for your breakup is essential for getting your ex back

Knowing exactly the reasons for your breakup is essential as this will help you know and evaluate that it is possible to reunite with your ex. Most of the time the main reason for breakup is not because of cheating, disappointment, misunderstanding, loss of interest, physical or verbal abuse etc though people do think it is so.. You see there are some factors that added fuel to all of these.

I really do not care whether you think it was your fault or your ex faults or whatever the reason may be. There is one huge factor that added fuel to whatever you think the reason it was that led to the breakup. And that is familiarity. Yes familiarity breeds contempt and you probably heard that before right. You see we all wanted to fall in love with someone whom we feel we can be ourselves with. And this is perfectly right. We also wanted to know more about the person we are in love with and spend so much time with them and we do this so as to please one another but later as we begin to get familiar with each other we started taking each other for granted and start to lose respect for each other. This is when things get bad to worst.

Like for example when we were involve in the beginning we would apologies sincerely if we did or say something wrong to our partner and that with heartfelt respect. But once we get too familiar with each other we casually say sorry without really meaning it. And worst of it all we repeat those same mistakes over and over again which led us to more and more serious unhealthy issues in our relationship. This is one big factor that builds up within us and pushes us towards breakups.

Another factor is stress and related problems.All of us experience mental stress in our daily life. It could be some small or big issues we may have with our family, with our boss or co-workers in the office, with our friends or even financial problem like debts etc. All of these builds up within us and resides within us and at just a drop of a hat we are ready to explode.

Do you see now that it was entirely not your fault or even your ex faults. You and your ex were not aware of this at all but instead either of you started playing the blame game. But this is exactly the reason why it is absolutely possible to reunite with your ex. Keep on reading to learn how this is so true.

Do the following and you will be on your way to getting your ex back

Let go of your ex and everything that hurts youknowing that this is both good for your mental health and physical well being. Forgive your ex from your heart and stop thinking that he or she does not care for you anymore. You will be surprise to find out, as you continue to read on here, that your ex still loves you. I will prove this to you with psychological facts later on.

Letting go and forgiving your exwill release all of those negative emotions and this will make you feel lighthearted instead of heavyhearted. This will also result in emotional healing which is crucial for recovering your low self-image. You do not want to go around with a heavy heart as this will make matters worst.

You need to and must keep yourself lighthearted in order to socialize with other people like your best friends and family. As you do this you will gradually build a strong self image again or even stronger than before. Remember this is not easy but it will be worth it and I know you can do it.

Next you must learn to forgive yourself.Stop beating yourself down by blaming yourself. You are only putting yourself down and when you are low and down you cannot think straight. You need a clear mind to win back your ex. Also keep in mind that it takes time to heal emotionally but later you will come out stronger than before. On the other side when you let go, your ex will also be recovering from all the stress and whatever both of you went through.

So in the meantime have fun and hang out with friends especially those who are good at making jokes. For your heart to heal laughter is the best medicine. Go out on a picnic or someplace that you enjoy with your friends. Hang out more with lighthearted people even though you may not feel like doing it. It is worth it.
And while you are doing all of these things discipline yourself strongly to think positively at all times.

Never entertain thoughts and feelings that make you sad, serious, and gloomy.Treat them like junks and garbage or like flies or mosquitoes that is trying to land on you.And do not entertain self pity as this is very destructive to your mental well-being.I know you can do it.

Next go for shopping and buy things that you love.Buy new dress to wear. Go for a complete makeover. Remember you have nothing to lose by doing these but everything to gain including your ex. Keep on reading in order to fully understand why you should be doing these things and why this has to do with winning your ex back.

Know this Psychological facts and nothing will stop you from getting back your ex.

Your ex is still thinking about you and your ex cannot and will not forget you no matter how hard your ex may try. Your ex may have moved on but this does not matter at all. Here is why: Remember that we cannot just forget people in our lives even if we want to due to our memory. Another proof is that within your ex subconscious mind (the inner mind) lays all those experiences you both had together, thoughts and feelings of love that your ex has for you

I do not want to insult your intelligence but just in case you have not heard about the subconscious mind here is some definition.

* The part of consciousness where all experience is stored as a set of sensory data, see, hear touch, taste, smell, etc.

* the band of the mind that stores memory, organizes and processes experience, utilizes the faculty of imagination and visualization, and operates the subtle mechanisms of karma. It lies between the Conscious mind and the Meta-conscious mind.

This is the main reason why many people reunite after breaking up no matter what they have been through or no matter how long it has been. It means that they took some right actions, unknowingly, that activated those thoughts and feelings of love they once had for each other within their subconscious mind.

You see love has always been there in their subconscious mind (the inner mind) during the break up period of time but it was suppressed and oppressed by mental stress and negative thoughts in the form of disappointment, hurts, worries, anxieties and hopelessness. When people hold on to these negative thoughts they give up in disappointment and make quick decision to move on because nobody likes to hold on for too long to things that hurts them. You see our mental health is not the same. Our ability to control our emotions when things get bad differs. This is probably the reason why your ex gave up.

Right now the most important thing to do is to learn how you can re-ignite or activate those flames of love stored within your ex subconscious mind.

For more information on how you can re-ignite those flames of love and passion
Click on the link below