As women we have a very strong internal instinct when it comes to the man in our lives. We know, without question, when he feels close and connected to us. We can also tell when things start to change and he begins pulling away. If you're feeling fearful that this is happening in your relationship, you need to take action before it's too late. Fortunately, there are some signs your boyfriend does not love you anymore that can help you determine exactly what he's feeling. If you recognize any of these occurring with your guy, now is the time to make some changes before he decides to walk out the door, and your life, for good.

One of the signs your boyfriend does not love you anymore is he'll start spending less and less time with you. This can actually be so subtle that you don't realize it's happening before it's too late. If he seems to have more to do at work and he's putting in a lot of overtime, you should question that. Naturally, some men really do get busier and are required to focus more on their career, but it's a perfect excuse for a man who isn't into his girlfriend anymore.

Another of the signs your boyfriend doesn't love you anymore is he'll start criticizing you more frequently. Men do this when they are detaching emotionally from their woman. They create tension by picking on her. This typically results in a fight and eventually she'll get so frustrated that she'll end things. Surprisingly, many men don't even fully realize they're doing it. However, if he seems hyper critical lately, it could very well be that he's just not feeling as close to you as he once did.

Also, intimacy will change dramatically when your boyfriend does not love you anymore. Even though we're lead to believe that men don't need to feel an emotional connection to be intimate with a woman, many do. He may not feel like making love because he's not feeling as in love with you. This is important and you shouldn't excuse it by thinking he's just tired or not in the mood. If it's a continuous issue in your relationship, it's a problem.

Ignoring the signs your boyfriend has fallen out of love won't solve anything. If you feel he's pulling back, don't sit idly by while he detaches from the relationship. If you love him, you need to take the necessary steps to keep him.