6 Tips to a Natural Body Rejuvenation With Exercise

By training aerobically and boosting the efficiency of the cardiovascular system you are improving every part of the body function. Training with weights and strengthening muscles maintains good posture, bone density and joint mobility into old age. Here are six tips for a natural body rejuvenation through exercise.

1. Aim to exercise for at least half an hour at least five times per week. If you can, try to workout for an hour. If you can't find time for an hour slot, then break it up into 20 minute sessions. At least two sessions per week should be resistance training, while the other three sessions should be cardio workouts, such as swimming, jogging or cycling.

2. Sometimes the enthusiasm associated with beginning a training programme causes you to launch whole-heartedly into your regime. This can cause injury and fatigue. Instead, start slowly and gradually build up the intensity at which you work.

3. Some people like to begin the day with a morning swim or a rejuvenating yoga session, others like to go for a run in the mid-afternoon and others like to exercise in the evening. Find a time that suits you best and exercise then.

4. Try to incorporate your workouts with your family and friends. Use your exercise time to spend time with your kids, friends and colleagues. Play tennis with your kids or have a game of football with your friends. This way you can socialise and workout your muscles.

5. When possible, exercise outdoors. Being outdoors gives a feeling of exhilaration, but also of peace and tranquillity. Get outside when you can. Go for a jog at dawn, a swim in the ocean, or have a yoga session in the park.

6. Workout in four stages. A gentle warm-up involving gentle jogging and stretching, aerobic or cardiovascular exercise to work the heart and lungs, strengthening exercises to work the muscles, and finally a cool down stretch.