2 Tips to Overcome Heartache and Win Your Ex Back

When you and your ex decide to split, it can be hard to face life and do the every day things you used to do. However, it can be done. All you need is a little help and some guidance. By following these two simple tips, you can overcome any heartache you are dealt in life and win your ex back.

For starters, cut off the contact with your ex for about a month. Any contact during that time can lead to growing anger, fights, depression, etc. Why? Wounds are still open and fresh and just a miniscule word can send both persons right into defensive mode. The time you spend apart allows you both to heal and clear the air. You can work on your feelings while your ex works on his.

Second, keep yourself focused on other matters on hand besides the breakup. That doesn’t mean you can never feel the pain and loss you have. It means don’t fall victim to it. Don’t give in. Stay active, exercise and go out with friends. Do the things you want and take control of that heartache and pain.

Once you are emotionally stable, now’s the time to move forward with your “win the ex back” plan. Your first step is to focus on fixing the issues within and around you. Then tackle the issues that plagued the relationship. You have to turn your life around and make sure you ex see you do this.

Heartache and breakups are never easy to bounce back from. However, you can deal with it in two ways: positively or negatively. If you want your ex back, then handling the matter in a positive light only makes them want you more. Remember sometimes you can do everything in the book to win your ex heart back but you can’t win them all. Keep this in mind as you struggle to obtain what you lost.