Oh My God - Breaking Up and Getting Back Together

Ahhh, the pain of breaking up and getting back together is quite the dilemma.  What are the proper steps to take and how can you increase your chances of a second try.

Relationships are a very interesting aspect of life.  Everyone has to learn how to be a great partner while avoiding mistakes and being taken advantage of.  It is so easy to get stuck in your own head and not see what is actually going on.  Love blinds us fast.

People break up for 100's of different reasons and often it isn't the reason you thought it was.  There are many levels of relationships and they are fluid and constantly changing. The first thing to do is not to blame anyone, most relationships do not last.  Any time you combine two people in a close relationship, dependency and intimacy can lead to surprising differences in how each sees the situation.

Men and women think different and come at things from opposing viewpoints so any relationship is going to have some problems to overcome.  You two see things different and through your own lens.  The tricky part is finding someone you understand and who understands you more often than not.  Being a couple takes give and take.

By the time the breakup occurs, things have been brewing for awhile.

Now is your chance to stop and think back, evaluate what happened and spot errors that were made.  Breakups can be good and turn out ok if you both continue to work on problems.  Sometimes the only way to fix things is to get out of the situation so you can think clearly.

So take some time, don't be in a rush to get back together until both of you are in the right state of mind.  Chasing them will only make them pull back farther.

Do other things, be social and meet new people and hang out with your friends.  Let the breakup die down and get your feelings settled.  Only after some time apart, will you have a good chance to get back together for a second chance.

Breaking up and getting back together:
Ok, it's been a month and you are ready to give it a try. To get your ex back, you need to start contact with them slowly. Keep it fun and not too serious.