What Makes a Man Fall Out of Love? Insight For WomenIf your man has recently told you that he "loves you" but isn't "in love" with you, you're probably very confused and hurt. Whenever a man says this to the woman in his life he's essentially telling her that his feelings have shifted from intense love to fondness. It's painful to be told this by the man you love. Most women in this situation will begin to question what they did that caused his feelings to change. Once you understand what makes a man fall out of love , you can then work to recapture his adoration for you. The question of what makes a man fall out of love can be answered several ways. One reason men lose affection for the woman in their life is simple boredom. Most men crave excitement of some sort. They fear falling into a mundane pattern and regretting their choices later on. If you and your man had a set pattern of doing things and he started to seem more distant and emotionally unavailable that may be why. Another reason that men lose interest in their partner is they just don't feel appreciated. Many women don't understand that men fall and stay in love with women who make them feel like better men. At the beginning of your relationship you may have told your man repeatedly how special he was or how much you appreciated everything he did for you. If that shifted during the course of the relationship and you began taking him for granted, that may have impacted how he felt about you. Answering the question of what makes a man fall out of love should include nagging. It's common in many relationships for one partner to take on the role of the nagger. This person often doesn't even realize they are doing it. Take a look at your own behavior to determine whether you have been nagging the man in your life. Men in situations like this often feel devalued and underappreciated. |