When Should You Contact Your Ex Boyfriend If You Want Him Back?

There's a lot of advice to be had when it comes to trying to get your ex boyfriend back . Many women realize, after a break up, that they've just lost their one true love. Winning him back seems like the logical approach but you do have to be careful about how you set out to accomplish it. It's certainly not as easy as deciding to contact your ex boyfriend to tell him he needs to reconsider and give you another chance. There are specific steps you should be following if you are serious about rekindling the romance with him.

First things first and that's you should not contact your ex boyfriend after a break up for at least a few weeks. The best approach you can take if you want him back is to disappear completely from his life. When a couple breaks up and the man senses that the woman is still crazy about him he's going to be expecting a strong backlash from her. He'll anticipate the late night phone calls where she's crying and telling him that she can't live without him. He knows that when he opens his email there will be a long, heartfelt plea from her there. If a woman does the opposite of what is expected she stands a much better chance of getting her man back. If you don't contact your ex, and he expects you to, he'll be waiting for it. When a week or two passes and you've dropped out of sight he'll get nervous and wonder why you don't care enough to call him. This is exactly what you want to happen.

After some time has passed it will then be time to contact your ex boyfriend . Give him a quick call just to say hi. Ask how he is and tell him that you're doing well if he asks. Don't invite him out or ask him if he wants to talk about things. You also must not bring up the break up at this stage. Just consider it a short, cordial call between friends. It's also crucial that you end this call first. Tell him you are just running out the door. Leave it at that and you'll hear from him again before long. Once you are just out of the reach of your ex boyfriend, he'll work to get you back. It's a man's nature to do so.