5 Ways to Get Ahead of Your Ex

My advice is to not get even, but to get ahead. Here is what I have done. It did not get my Ex back. It does give me peace of mind. They will get back at your ex though and just may help you, to win them back.

First thing. Do cut back on the communication. You need a breather even if they do not. You need a cool head and if you did just break up, you do not have a cool head. Trust me. They are curious about you and how you are doing. Let them stew in their own oil for a while. They will soon begin to think about how much you had together and perhaps reconsider their decision.

Second thing. When you do finally talk to them, two or three weeks down the road, be strong and confident, but absolutely nice and respectful. Most of all, do not be needy or clingy. You are doing just fine, thank you very much for asking.

Your Ex needs to be thinking you are crying yourself to sleep every night. Do not give them the satisfaction of thinking you are suffering, now matter much you might be. Remember, people want what they cannot have and misery loves company. Believe you me, if you do not appear miserable you will be making them miserable. They want to see you suffer.

Be congenial. While being tough, do not be nasty. Treat them as you would like them to treat you. After all, this is someone you do love, right? Do not make demands about moving out or picking things up right now and such harsh demands.

If they want to talk listen, but keep your yap shut. Remember, cool head. All of this will motivate them to want to open up lines of communication. You will. On your terms.

Fourth thing. Take care of yourself. You are the most important thing right now so take care of number one, numero uno. Go do something. Do anything. Just do something to give yourself a breather from what you are feeling right now. Give time a chance to do what it will do. Remember, now matter how you feel, "This too shall pass."

Spend some time with friends. Learn a new hobby. Find new friends. If you want to date, date. Just take everything slow for now. Date lots of different prospects. Let your Ex know you are living it up and moving on. Make them want to move on with you. Make them want what they do not have anymore, unless they come begging. Then make them grovel, but not too much.

Fifth thing. Be who you are. Whatever that is. Be comfortable with who is in your skin. Review who you are and critique your relationship and see what you may have done to cause the break up. You did contribute you know and if needs fixing, fix it. If you get back with your Ex you will want to stay with it this time, right? If it is with someone new, you don't want another break up, do you?