If you’re still crazy about your ex the logical thing to do is to tell her how you feel, right? Wrong! Break ups are messy for a reason and that’s because there are so many emotions involved. Although your heart is screaming at you to tell your ex girlfriend you still love her , you need to listen to your head. There’s a much better approach to getting her back and unlike professing your undying love, this approach actually works. The reason you don’t want to tell your ex girlfriend you still love her is two fold. First and foremost, it’s likely to make her very uncomfortable. When a relationship ends both parties need time to process what they’re feeling. If your girlfriend was the one who broke up with you she’s bound to be experiencing some level of guilt. If you call her up continuously to tell her you love her or if you email her long love letters, it’s going to overwhelm her. What’s likely to happen is she’ll stop all contact with you. You don’t want that to happen. The other reason you don’t want to tell her you love her is she’ll see you as a little desperate and stuck. She’ll believe you’re stuck holding onto something that isn’t there anymore and that will make you instantly unappealing to her. The best way to get your girlfriend back is something you may have never considered. Ignore her. Stop calling her. Don’t accidentally run into her anymore. Just focus on you and not her. Whenever a couple breaks up, the person who did the breaking up is going to expect their former partner to act a certain way. They are waiting for the begging and pleading to begin. You need to throw a wrench in that and do the opposite of what she’s expecting. If you appear okay with the break up and you give her the illusion that you’re moving on already, she’s going to panic. It’s going to make her second guess her decision to end things. The moment she feels you may be slipping away from her for good, her instinct is going to be to pull you back in. That’s the very reason why she’ll call you after not hearing from you for a week or two. Ignoring her is much more powerful than telling her you still love her. |