How To Get Her Back And Keep Her

Are you 100% sure you and your ex are supposed to get back together?  It is not just a wild wish on your part.  If you are sure, then you need tolearn steps to get her back in your life.  You do not need to make the process hard, it does require taking some time to plan your strategy, learn new ideas, then you must take action.

1.  While you may panic in hearing this, when you are trying to relight the fire in your lost love, and you want the best ideas to get her back, you need to start off by avoiding contact for a little while.  You are going to feel like the world is coming to an end, but she is going to be wondering what has happened to you, her curiosity is growing.  She will begin to desire communication, realizing she misses you.  This is one of the big steps in restarting love in your life.

2.  Are you still in panic mode?   Are you desperate, expressing your need for her, a little emotionally out of control?  If so, then you need to slow down, and get yourself under control.  She wants a man who is stable, strong, and will provide her support.  Take time to get yourself under control, relaxed, and ready to move forward first.

3.  While your mind is focused ongetting her back, you need to learn to flirt again.  Start flirting with someone new.  You do not need to take it very far, but if your ex sees you are moving on, she will be more interested in you.  She will begin wondering what the other ladies are seeing, and what she is missing.  It will improve your confidence in being attractive, and desirable to her, too.

4.  Learn to leave behind your worries and concerns.  Start living your life "as if" nothing is bothering you.  Be confident, calm, and in control of your own life.  You know she does not want a man who has lost his confidence and is depressed.  She wants a man who is confident and sure of himself.  Start trying to have a good time, and soon you will feel better, and be attracting her back to  you.

5.  You have heard of dressing for success in business, it is even more true in getting your ex back.  You need to start taking care of yourself and looking great.  Start wearing nicer clothes.  Keep yourself groomed to perfection.  Start exercising and lose a couple pounds if you need to.  If you look great she is going to notice and want to know what is going on.  This could be the start toget her back in your life permanently.

These are just a few of the steps you will want to know for winning your ex back.  These are the beginning steps.  You can find many other ideas at Get My Ex Back Tips .

Do not forget to watch the video in the first post at Get My Ex Back Tips , it will introduce you to my inspiration and mentor.