A relationship guide can help you get over a broken relationship, much better than you think. But just buying a guide wont do anything unless you take the action needed. You can buy all the books and guides that you can find, but you have to take action. Here's a few of the the basic steps you can begin to take to get over a broken relationship.
The first thing that will get you on the road to recovery, is get rid of everything you have that you received or that remind you of your ex. This is one of the hardest things to do, so do it as soon as possible. Get that out of the way so you can begin to get your life back on track. Out of sight, out of mind, really works in the case of a broken relationship. Remember these are only some very basic steps to begin with.
You'll feel like your world is coming to an end, but its not, and you have to put that into your mind. Your time alone has to be limited, because being alone will allow your mind to dwell on your ex, that will do you more harm than good. Don't do anything or go anywhere that you and your ex would do or go together. Think of doing things that you like to do, and go places that you enjoy.
Call friends and chat about pleasant things, just don't bring up anything that even refers to your ex. None of this is easy at first, but as each day passes, your going to find it much easier. The longer you were in the relationship, the harder you have to work on getting over it. Just remember, the hurt will pass, and your new life will begin. Every broken relationship has mixed feelings, "should I try to get my ex back", or "should I just move on"? Only you can answer those questions. A relationship guide will have much more detail to help you decide, but the choice will always be yours.