Our Body's pH Defense System, Acidosis, and Cancer

The body is a complex organism that is really hard to find out how it works. There are many different diseases and conditions which could trigger our system to weaken, this includes the most dreaded condition, cancer. Most people do not understand how important acid is on our body, and how getting an excessive amount of acid in our body could cause some serious problems. This condition is known as acidosis where the pH level remains unbalanced, if taken for granted this might trigger an even more serious problem in the future.

A well-balanced acid alkaline diet helps the pH level in the blood remain normal, although most of the time our body gets overwhelmed with acid, normally because of poor diet. If too much acid enters the blood stream, the body can't handle the excess, and so it deposits it into another area of the body so that the blood can maintain the perfect pH level. If this continues, further problems will begin to appear since the areas where the acid is deposited transforms into dead cells, which will then turn to more acids.

However, some cells won't adapt and can just survive by turning into abnormal cells. The abnormal cells are regarded as malignant cells, which will grow without order because the body is unsure how to handle them. These malignant cell can cause cancer. Cancer also increases the acid in the blood, furthering the acidosis and causing even more danger to the body. The cycle will continue until the cancer is identified and treatment is started, but most of the time, those people who are diagnosed with cancer still don't understand just how important it is to maintain the acid level in their body balanced, and so their bodies end up more frail. This is why it's very important to understand how acid cooperates with your body, and the best way you could help balance body pH levels to be able to avoid having a maelstrom of problems inside your body.