If your girlfriend needs some time apart you may fear that this is just the beginning of the end for the two of you. You’re right. As much as your well meaning and compassionate friends may tell you that when a woman wants some space it just means she’s overwhelmed by all the love she feels, that’s not true. When a person is crazy about their partner, they never want space or time. They want to spend every possible moment together. If your girlfriend has expressed her need for some time, you need to act now. Ignoring the situation will only result in her leaving you for good.

The first thing you need to do if your girlfriend needs some time apart is accept it. That doesn’t mean that you’re accepting the end of the relationship, it means that you’re accepting that for now, she needs to be on her own. Most women specifically tell their boyfriend they needs space, time or distance because they think it’s a softer and gentler way of breaking things off. They expect a very strong reaction from their partner in the form of angry outbursts, pleading and tears. If you react in a very calm and controlled manner, you’ll catch her off guard. She’ll be impressed by your level of maturity and at the same time she’ll be confused with your acceptance. This is exactly what you want.

Not talking to your girlfriend at this stage may feel impossible and completely wrong, but it’s actually one of the best things you can do. When a woman says she needs space that translates into space that you’re not in. She asked you for some time alone and if you actually give it to her you’ll be showing her what her life is like without you. She may think that she’ll be happier without you, but she won’t know how much she’ll miss you until you’re no longer there. As much as it feels like a horrible idea to stop talking with her for a few weeks, it can actually be the catalyst that brings her back to you. She’ll spend a lot of time thinking about you and how empty her life is without you. If you can find the willpower to avoid her for two or three weeks that just may be enough to change her mind completely. Don’t be surprised if you get a call during that time from her, asking to see you.