Have you ever exclaimed the statement: “I want my ex back!” If you have, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Such thing happens normally as everybody experiences breakup. In case, you have not yet experienced it, then, you are one of those lucky ones who may be enjoying being in a healthy relationship. It is indeed a fact that breakup is stressful and depressing. As long as we hate such feelings, we do not want to experience breakup. Sad to say, we cannot avoid such circumstance. As human beings we are destined to be hurt at least once in our life. Indeed, saying” I want my ex back!” is quite normal for individuals who are in a relationship.

Again, being hurt is quite normal for human beings. However, this that not implies that you are a loser and cannot anymore recovers from the pains that you are into. On the other hand, this could mean that your former lover was important to you. It could also imply that you are so attached to your former lover. Those things are simply comprehensible, especially if you are deeply in love. In fact, we cannot explain the magic of love but we all know we feel it. This is the reason why we exclaim “I want my ex back” after the breakup, especially when we cannot anymore handle our feelings.

So, is that statement of getting back an ex possible? Definitely, it is! Winning back an ex happens in our everyday endeavors. Such statement of conviction is not just a wishful thinking as it is consider as part of our life. However, this requires a lot of hard work, patience, perseverance and confidence. These virtues are needed to make us strong in facing the consequences of breakup despite the heartaches that we feel inside. It is like holding back the tears. Call it whatever you like. However, we do not want our former lover to see how weak we are during and after breakup. This is the simple reason why we need to appear strong in front of our former lover because we want to rebuild that once shattered relationship with love not with pity. Right after the breakup, when the pain is still new, we keep on composing ourselves as we try to gain more strength. We see to it that we are in good position of strength so that you can dictate the terms. A position of weakness can still be good but you would be on the losing ground at the end of the deal. Just remember that if you already said, "I want my ex back!", then start being confident and strong.