Why Does A Good Man Cheat?

There's this myth among women that good men don't cheat. Women have been taught that cheating is a bad thing and that, by default, only bad people do it. The problem is that there are plenty of good men and women out there who have cheated. Even good people aren't perfect.

Cheating is one of those mistakes that can rip a relationship apart and completely change the way one or both parties view the relationship. It doesn't make one person evil or sinister and doesn't mean the other person is as innocent as driven snow.

The real question to ask though is what are a few things that would drive an otherwise good man to cheat?

The Temptation of the Forbidden Fruit

There's just something about those things we can't have. Knowing we can't have it that makes us (as human beings) want it, whatever it is, even more.

Your husband can still be truly, madly, and deeply in love with you and completely unable to get the other woman off his mind. Not because he wants her, but because he wants something he isn't supposed to have.

The Call of the Wild

For some men the need to cheat goes back to darker times in their evolutionary pasts. It's hard to imagine today in a world that is filled with traffic jams, smog, and pollution - all things caused by too many people living in spaces that seem too small to hold them all. But, centuries ago, when the genetic code for man and woman was set, survival of the species through procreation was of utmost concern.

In those dark days in human history men would spread their love far and wide in an effort to continue the population and secure a future for mankind. It's imprinted in the genetic code and even after centuries some men have a difficult time making the transition to the more monogamous expectations of modern man.

Marriage Failed to meet their Great Expectations

Far too often, men have these expectations of what married life will be. They expect to come home to Donna Reed or June Cleaver. They want the whole nine yard fairy tale they grew up watching on television and don't make the transition to the rip roaring reality series that modern marriage really is.

Some men even feel betrayed by the fact that the women in their lives are failing to meet up to their expectations. It isn't fair but they often cheat because they feel that the women they love is somehow letting them down because they aren't living up to the ideal marriage fantasy.

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