The Magic of Making up Review

The Magic of Making Up written by T.W Jackson, who commonly referred to as T Dub is a well thought out book which has claimed to have helped over 6,000 people get back with their ex boyfreinds, and girlfriends. I have had a large amount emails recently requesting a review for the Book - The Magic Of Making Up. So please read on for my personal evaluation of The Magic of Making up.

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The Magic of Making Up has a total of 8 chapters, each covering a stage of a broken relationship, from the reasons why your relationship broke down in the first place to reigniting the excitement and passion that you both used to have. The Magic of Making Up also entails what happens if your relationship can’t be saved, and how to move on with your life – with grace. After all, some relationships just aren’t meant to be, but if you know it in your heart that you are bound to be together then The Magic Of Making Up gives you a step by step process to fulfil your desire. However, each step will vary depending on your situation and I’m glad the author T-Tub has put this into consideration.

After discovering why your relationship ended in the first place, you will learn not to panic and how to slowly regain the trust between you and your ex boyfriend. This is covered in the first two chapters. Chapter three is all about analysing what went wrong, and gives you the ability to properly assess if your relationship can or can’t be saved. I believe, this is the most important chapter and T dub is right on the money here. How many people do we see get back with their ex boyfriends or ex girlfriends and fail over and over again? This is why this chapter is very important, and is defiantly the best written chapter in the entire book, you will learn a lot from chapter 3.

If you discover that your relationship can be saved, as discussed in chapter 3 then the next chapter is really exciting. It goes through the steps you need to take to reignite the spark, passion and desire – it will feel like you’re ready to fall in love all over again.

Once you have your ex partner back, The Magic of Making Up will give you some good techniques to keep your relationship healthy, such as how not to bring up old wounds and avoid arguments. T dub basically shows you how to keep your relationship strong and healthy, to avoid those all too common mistakes...

This guide covers all the bases and steps to rekindle the relationship with your ex, and even how to move on with ease if it can’t be saved. I must admit some of the steps you will have to follow may be uncomfortable and will require self some =delete discipline, but you just have to think about the end result. Overall, the author T Dub gives worth-while in depth advice which will no doubt help you bring back lost love.