Dating Dilemmas to Strongly Avoid After a Recent Breakup

There are all kind of dating dilemmas you can find yourself in at any given time. When dating after a breakup there are a few additional, but potentially painful, pitfalls to keep in mind. Avoiding them from the 'get go' can save you a lot of explaining and more than a few bottles of aspirin along the way.

So, what should you avoid when dating someone new after a breakup?

1) Your ex. Running into your ex while you're out on a date with a new interest might not only prove to be painful for you but could be quite awkward for the person your currently on a date with. You owe it to your new date to try to find a neutral place where your ex isn't likely to be. You know the favorite haunts of your ex - now is a good time to make yourself scarce from those places.

2) Running into old friends who don't know you've broken up. It happens but you know the places where you and your ex were commonly seen. If you were weekly regulars for pub quiz it's probably not a good idea to bring your new date to this week's challenge. At least get to know each other a good bit before you start bringing her around old friends who might not be as receptive to someone new in your life as you are. Believe me your new date does not want to spend the evening being judged by not only you but also friends of the person you dated before.

3) Don't make the mistake of assuming your new date will like a certain food, music, or activity just because your ex did. The odds are good that the new person in your life has a few unique qualities, traits, and interests. It would be wise for you to spend a little time getting to know all about them before you make any snap decisions or try to lock the new person you're dating into some sort of stereotype or mold.

4) Be flexible. One of the worst things you can do when dating someone new is have a set in stone idea of how the evening should go and an unwillingness to deviate from the plan. You need to be able to adapt at a few zingers that might come your way during the evening. You'll get extra points for understanding that your date is allergic to seafood and quickly changing dinner plans to somewhere a little less "fishy" or whatever last minute substitutions become necessary and you'll both have a lot more fun if you allow some spontaneity to prevail throughout the evening.

Now Listen Carefully! -

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