5 Strong Reasons Good People Cheat

I bet you've heard all your life that cheaters are the scum of relationships modern and ancient. Cheating has been known to cause all kinds of problems throughout history. Seriously, what did it do for the city of Troy? But, are all cheaters bad people? Heck no! There are plenty of wonderful people who make the mistake of cheating. But, what is it that would lead a good person to cheat?

1) We are only human. As a species we haven't evolved beyond the being human part. We struggle every day with morality and perceptions of what is and isn't acceptable behavior. No one is perfect and as much as we'd like to move towards perfection no one has managed it yet. Yes, even good people make mistakes. Some of them just happen to be harder to live with the fallout from than others.

2) To fill a void. This is another common reason. Sometimes the person doing the cheating doesn't even know the void exists until someone comes along and offers them the missing piece. This is when it becomes nearly impossible walk away. Depending on how deep the void is or how keenly the absence is felt can also make a huge difference in how much will is required to resist.

3) For a little excitement. Sadly enough, some people who cheat are simply doing it for the thrill of the risk. While there is some small comfort in knowing that it wasn't a so called deficiency on your part that leads the other person to cheat, that small bit of comfort usually isn't enough to make a difference in the end.

4) Loneliness. Long hours alone or a feeling that the love of their life is slowly slipping away from them can lead some people to desperate measures. Whether this is a loud cry for help or changes in the relationship, a plea for attention, or simply a way of connecting with another warm body that happens to be attached to an attentive ear is not important. The important thing is that someone involved isn't making the one relationship that is supposed to be more important than all others (with the one exception of the parent/child relationship) a priority.

5) Jealousy. Oddly enough, even good people can feel driven to cheat in response to jealous. The shocking thing is that this jealousy isn't always over another woman. It can be any relationship that is perceived as a threat. If a husband is spending too much time with his golf clubs the wife may feel jealous and cheat on her husband.

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